How To Write Copy That Sells
Did you know that even the world’s highest paid copywriters really only focus on one single thing before they start writing their copy?
In this article, I’m gonna share with you the “80/20” of writing compelling sales copy that converts. Plus, I’ll share with you my favorite tricks to overcome the intimidation of a blank sales page or email.
If you’re reading this article, then my guess is that you’ve sat down to write copy before and got a bit intimidated by a blank sales page or an empty email, right?
Copywriting is a skill that takes time to learn, but once you understand the frameworks… that’s when things start to get REAL fun and REAL profitable.
So, here’s a few tips that will help you escape the copywriting curse and quickly write sales copy that converts.
Copywriting Tip #1
The first non-negotiable when compelling sales copy should really go without saying, but it’s something I see a lot of marketers miss the mark on.
You MUST get to know your audience intimately. I’m talking about knowing who you’re selling to better than you know your own bowel movements!
When it comes to writing campaigns that work, I spend a good portion of my time getting to know everything about the avatar I’m selling to.
Find them in Facebook groups and forums… talk to them on social media… email them if you have a list or get them on the phone…